Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Atomizer Injector Comparison, MRE's versus the competition

MRE Atomizer The Competition
Body Material Machined Billet Stainless Plastic / Steel
Designed For Racing Gas / Methenol OEM / Propane
Factory Upgradable Yes, up to 600lb/hr. No
Projected Tip Design Yes, 5mm projection No
Blue Printed & Flowered Yes, balanced to + - 1/2% No, balanced to + - 3%
Anti-corrosion coating Yes, titanium nitride None
Manufacturer Supported Yes, provided by MRE None
Lifetime Warranty Included None

Buy Atomizer Injectors now directly from MRE.

Atomizer Injector
EFI guru Mike Moran makes it easy for EFI engines to produce 1,000 to 4,000 HP with either gasoline or methanol, with the new M.R.E. Atomizer fuel injector. Machined from a proprietary material, coated with titanium nitride, these Atomizer injectors flow 235lb/hr @ 43.5 psi fuel pressure. The Atomizer disc is the NEW design. This new design exceeds the Powertip 5; more horsepower, faster throttle response and cuts spool up time in half on all force induction applications. All Moran injectors were designed as specifically for racing. The injectors operate linearly with pulse width as small as 1.2 milliseconds and opens with the standard 4 amp peak and 1 amp hold ECU drivers. Plus the M.R.E. Atomizer injector is a direct replacement for all standard injectors and are compatible with all aftermarket E.F.I systems out of the box, no injector driver adapters needed.

Our MRE Atomizer Injectors were researched, developed, engineered, and tested over 10 years by Mike Moran specifically for racing. Other injectors used for racing were originally designed to flow Compressed Natural Gas (CNG)!

Our 5mm projected tip design extends directly into the intake runner, beyond all others, ensuring max efficiency.

MRE Atomizer Racing Injectors are a proprietary product that you can’t get anywhere else. Each injector is built as per your order, flow tested and then shipped. Please call or email us if you have any questions, and we’ll be happy to assist you in any way.